One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited
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One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited

The character Honey Mask Proud Prince in the Manga/Anime One Punch Man is considered a handsome and elegant hero, with an absolute belief in justice, ready to erase evil from life.

Honey Mask is a hero belonging to the Hero Association. He is known as an extremely handsome, charismatic man and has continuously ranked among the most famous heroes, voted by people.

However, that is absolutely not his real `face`, and the reason why he is called `Honey Mask` or `Secret Mask` has gradually been revealed in the chapters.

One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited

Execution of Justice with Absolute Brutality

One of the cool and scary points of Honey Mask is his ideal of eliminating evil and brutally enforcing justice.

Although this personality trait of Honey Mask can be considered a bit extreme, it is not until chapter 145 of the series that shows another side of him, when he brutally tears apart the mercenary army.

One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited

Facing the people controlled by monsters, Secret Mask did not hesitate at all, waved his hand and massacred all of them regardless of gender, then finished off the Great S Princess with a look of utter disdain on her face.

One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited

New Change, Prepare for the Real `Appearance`.

Although chapter 145 was released a long time ago, recently, the artist of One Punch Man decided to redraw almost the entire chapter, showing a completely new development of the character Secret Mask.

When facing the insane mercenary army along with Princess Dai S, Secret Mask still maintained his bloodlust, ready to behead and slit the throat of the entire mercenary army to attack Princess Dai S.

One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited

This change is truly very special, as not only does it not deny Honey Mask’s bloodthirsty brutality, but it also proves that this cold-blooded ideal of his is truly terrifying, when he believes that

One Punch Man: Secret Mask Hero no longer kills people without control after being edited

And the most expensive detail was when Princess S suddenly struck the middle of Honey Mask’s face, causing the `mask` layer to break, revealing part of the `monster` inside him.

If you read version ONE, then you will probably realize that this is the premise for readers to guess the true identity of Secret Mask when he will finally `reveal his true form` in the following scenes.

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