Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager’s biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat
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Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager’s biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat

Grisha Yeager is the father of Eren Yeager, the main character of Attack on Titan.

1. Date, month, year of birth

Grisha Yeager was apparently born on January 26, so would be an Aquarius.

2. Grisha was not born on Paradis Island

Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager's biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat

Grisha was not born on Paradis Island but on Marley.

After Grisha’s younger brother Faye Yeager was brutally killed, he joined the Eldia revolutionary group.

While Dina was transformed into a mindless Titan, thanks to Eren Kruger’s intervention, Grisha survived and became the Titan Shifter.

3. Has a wife who becomes a Titan, and two sons who both become Titan Shifters

Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager's biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat

Grisha was married to two different women, Dina Fritz and Carla Yeager.

Dina’s first wife was turned into a mindless Titan and it later ate Grisha’s second wife.

4. Grisha possessed the power of the Founding and Strike Titans before being passed on to Eren

Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager's biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat

The Titan Shifter’s power has been passed down from generation to generation.

Grisha Yeager obtained the Attack Titan’s ability from Eren Kruger – a Marley warrior who was in his final stages so he passed it on to Grisha.

5. Eren ate his own father

Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager's biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat

Eren gains Titan power after devouring Grisha.

But Grisha’s own memories have long been buried in Eren’s head and he can only see memories of Grisha, and even Eren Kruger, after reading Grisha’s diary.

6. Where was Grisha when the first wall was breached?

Attack on Titan: 8 facts about Eren Yeager's biological father, who `prey` himself for his son to eat

When Marie’s wall was breached, Grisha Yeager went to meet the Reiss family.

7. Grisha is a friend of Keith Shadis

Keith Shadis and Grisha turned out to have quite a close relationship with each other.

Keith was already there but decided not to follow Grisha as the man prepared to give Eren the Titan Shifter power at Grisha’s request.

8. Turns out that action was manipulated by Eren Kruger

The Titan’s owner can see memories of the future.

In reality, Eren was the one who manipulated Grisha at a crucial moment, which was when Grisha hesitated to kill Reiss’s family.

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