Chinese robot performs miracle on the Moon: Discovering mysterious matter, unprecedented science
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Chinese robot performs miracle on the Moon: Discovering mysterious matter, unprecedented science reported that the lunar exploration robot Yutu-2 (Jade Rabbit 2), part of the Chang’e-4 mission to explore the dark side of the Moon, has just discovered a mysterious form of matter, never before seen by science.

A double shot in Jade Rabbit 2’s journey to explore the dark side of the Moon

Specifically, during the mission to explore the lunar surface in the area of the Von Kármán lunar impact crater in the dark half of the Moon, the Yutu-2 robot accidentally discovered a mysterious type of material never before seen on the Moon.

July 28, 2019, when Chinese scientists prepared Yutu-2 for a customary ‘lunch break’ to protect it from hot temperatures and dangerous radiation from the Sun and to check data

This unexpected discovery left scientists at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (monitoring the Chang’e-4 mission ) between two options: One is to let Yutu-2 continue its journey.

Ultimately, the Beijing Aerospace Control Center decided to postpone Yutu-2’s plan to move west, allowing Yutu-2 to approach the crater to study this mysterious material.

Currently, the most advanced space technology that Yutu-2 possesses is a high-resolution camera (which allows Yutu-2 to provide sharp images of material as it approaches the crater) and the VNIS instrument (a

Although it is not possible to conclude exactly what the material found by Yutu-2 is, Chinese scientists initially revealed that this material is shaped like glue, possessing very unusual colors.

This latest discovery of Yutu-2 is considered by astronomers to be `surprising` and `miracle` because until now, humanity knows very little about the dark side of the Moon – a completely mysterious world.

This is the second `miracle` discovery of Yutu-2.

According to Yutu-2’s spectrometer, this material may contain at least two minerals, low-calcium Pyroxene and Olivine (the upper part of the Earth’s mantle is mainly composed of Olivine and Pyroxene).

`If the sample collected by Yutu-2 is indeed mantle material, this would be a real feat. Its composition would not only record thermal and magmatic evolution, a

Constantly decoding the Moon

Chinese robot performs miracle on the Moon: Discovering mysterious matter, unprecedented science

Previously, during NASA’s Apollo 17 mission, astronaut and geologist Harrison Schmitt found a strange patch of orange soil near the landing site of the lunar module (of the Apollo 17 spacecraft in 1972) at

After returning to Earth for research, scientists concluded that the orange patch of soil on the Moon was created after a large volcanic eruption on the Moon about 3.64 billion years ago.

The lunar landing mission of China’s unmanned spacecraft Chang’e-4 (Chang’e 4, Chang’e 4) began on December 7, 2018.

This event made China the first country in history to successfully land an unmanned spacecraft on the mysterious dark side of the Moon;

The reason why the China National Space Agency (CNSA) chose the 180km diameter Von Kármán crater as the landing site is because it belongs to the Antarctic-Aitken basin.

Traces left in the Antarctic-Aitken basin show that it once suffered great geological impacts.

Chinese robot performs miracle on the Moon: Discovering mysterious matter, unprecedented science

In 2007, China launched the Chang’e Lunar Exploration Program.

The Chang’e-2 mission alone also created a higher resolution map of the Moon;

In the Chang’e-3 mission in 2013, China continued to succeed in landing an autonomous probe complex named Yutu-1 (Jade Rabbit 1) on the visible half of the Moon.

China continues to show its ambition to conquer the Moon as it plans to deploy the Chang’e-5 and Chang’e-6 missions, to create a premise for a Chinese lunar landing.

The article uses sources:, Curiosmos

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