Dad compensated 100 million because his son broke the statue, 2 days later the store apologized and returned the money
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Dad compensated 100 million because his son broke the statue, 2 days later the store apologized and returned the money

The incident occurred at a toy store at Langham Place shopping center, Hong Kong, China on the evening of May 22.

When Lucas’ father, Cheng Pok-man, went out to answer the phone, he suddenly heard a loud noise inside the store.

According to the staff, Lucas did not accidentally bump into the statue, but out of mischief, he kicked and caused the 1.8m tall statue to fall.

Little Lucas stands next to the shattered Teletubbies statue.

Realizing the serious consequences his son caused, Mr. Cheng offered to compensate the full value of the statue, 52,800 Hong Kong dollars (equivalent to more than 150 million VND), but the store owner only charged the statue.

Dad compensated 100 million because his son broke the statue, 2 days later the store apologized and returned the money
Dad compensated 100 million because his son broke the statue, 2 days later the store apologized and returned the money

The `discount` store compensated Lucas’ family from more than 150 million VND to 100 million VND.

Everything was resolved smoothly until a video appeared on social networks, showing that little Lucas did not kick the statue to make it fall as the staff said.

It can be seen that in the video, the boy just accidentally bumped into this statue.

The video exposed the fact that little Lucas did not kick the statue as the staff said, but just accidentally bumped into it.

After learning about the incident, Mr. Cheng and his wife immediately called the toy store and asked them to look into and explain the incident.

On social networks, many users also expressed dissatisfaction with the store’s handling.

“The store should have put a railing around the statue to protect passersby and the statue itself as it could easily fall to pieces.

The statue is worth more than 150 million but is not placed in a safe location in the toy store.

Dad compensated 100 million because his son broke the statue, 2 days later the store apologized and returned the money

As for the toy store, after receiving a complaint from Lucas’s family as well as a wave of criticism from social networks, the brand’s home page deleted the post explaining this incident on Facebook on Tuesday morning (

In addition, the store representative contacted the boy’s family to apologize for this misunderstanding and refund all previous compensation.

Through the story, both parents as well as the toy store itself should rethink their mistakes.

As for the store, they pledged to review their layout, especially the location of valuable items like the broken statue above.

As for parents, when taking their children to shopping centers, especially places with fragile and expensive items, they should be more careful in watching their children and instructing them carefully.

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