`I love One Punch Man, so what?`, the answer was so convincing that everyone nodded
1 min read

`I love One Punch Man, so what?`, the answer was so convincing that everyone nodded

Speaking of One Punch Man, everyone knows that it is an anime/manga about a bald man who punches every opponent to death.

First of all, when I first started watching One Punch Man, the scene of Mr. Sai walking back absent-mindedly after failed interviews, many people would laugh and vaguely recognize their future in it.

Perhaps, most people know One Punch Man for its humor and eye-catching action scenes.

He spent 3 years diligently pursuing his childhood dream.

`I love One Punch Man, so what?`, the answer was so convincing that everyone nodded

A villain says of Sai, `He was born normal, lives a normal life. He just exercises until he surpasses his limits.`

`I love One Punch Man, so what?`, the answer was so convincing that everyone nodded

In addition, the series also brings many stories to think about.

`I love One Punch Man, so what?`, the answer was so convincing that everyone nodded

Or the story of the hero Sweet Mask, an idol with a perfect appearance, talent in all fields, and a fandom as large as ants.

Besides, there are also stories of the monster side.

`I love One Punch Man, so what?`, the answer was so convincing that everyone nodded

Along with that, the series also addresses the problems of modern society.

It is also because the circumstances of many of the characters in the story are so real and so relatable that One Punch Man is easy to relate to and love.

Cre: ‎Nguyen Mai Phuong‎

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