One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest
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One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest

As we know, in One Piece, Zoro is a swordsman of the Three Swords style, he must use three swords to use his maximum power.

In today’s article, let’s learn some interesting things about Zoro’s sword Wado Ichimonji!

1. Formerly Kuina’s sword

Previously Wado Ichimonji was Kuina’s sword.

That means this is the sword that Kuina used to win the final duel with Zoro.

After Kuina died, Zoro asked Kouishirou (Kuina’s father) if he could use her sword?

2. Classified as Meito

One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest

In short, Meito can be understood as `famous sword` or `quality sword`.

Wado Ichimonji – The One Sword of Roronoa Zoro is one of the 21 Great Swords.

3. Its durability has been tested

One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest

As we know, when facing Mihawk, Zoro’s two unnamed swords were destroyed.

Despite fighting against Yoru, one of the 12 Saijo O Wazamono, the sword Wado Ichimonji Zoro remained undamaged and in use until now.

4. The sword that accompanies Zoro the longest

One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest

Zoro has had Wado Ichimonji since the ceremony commemorating Kuina’s death.

Another sword that accompanies Zoro until now is Kitetsu Sandai.

5. Wado Ichimonji has not been placed in any chapters yet

One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest

If you check out the names of the One Piece chapters, you’ll see something interesting.

Meanwhile, the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest has not yet been named for any chapter.

Does that mean Wado Ichimonji will suffer the same fate as Shusui and Yubashiri?

6. Can Wado Ichimonji get stronger?

One Piece: Wado Ichimonji and what you need to know about the sword that has accompanied Zoro the longest

Up until now, Zoro has only had one black sword, Shusui.

Shusui was thought to have a black blade from the beginning, but it turns out that because Ryuma used it for a long time, the blade changed color.

Therefore, Kitetsu Sandai, Wado Ichimonji, and Zoro’s Enma also have the ability to become black swords.

7. The person who forged Wado Ichimonji

In chapter 955, Tenguyama Hitetsu explained to Zoro that the creator of Wado Ichimonji was named Shimotsuki Kozaburo.

Kozaburo is also the creator of Enma, one of Oden’s two swords.

So who is Kozaburo?

Does Kozaburo have anything to do with Zoro’s teacher?

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