Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them
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Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them

It can be said that in the manga/anime One Piece, the number of characters created is quite diverse, not only humans but also many different races such as Giants, Mermaids, Mink clan,…

It is also a world of pirates, the Navy, the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, a world of adventures and exploration with many wars and many strange super powers and powers.

And thanks to eating devil fruits, many characters in One Piece have powerful abilities such as increased strength, defense or strong attack.

Today we come to the list of top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, some will surprise you.

1. Brook

`Spirit King` Brook is a musician of the Straw Hat Pirates.

While alive, Brook ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi devil fruit and was revived, thus returning to life in a rather strange appearance – a dry skeleton.

In addition to possessing powerful abilities, one very special thing that Brook can do is separate his soul to move freely.

This shows that he seems to be an immortal, not ravaged by time (because the body is a skeleton and cannot age or age).

2. Ivankov

Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them

Emporio Ivankov is the `Queen` of the Kamabakka Kingdom and one of the officers of the Revolutionary Army.

Ivankov ate the Horu Horu no Mi devil fruit, which allows him to control the hormones of other people’s bodies as well as his own.

This allows him to live `longer` than normal people when he can change the hormonal factors in his body, helping to reduce the aging process, and the time factor does not affect him much.

3. Jewelry Bonney

Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them

Jewelry Bonney is also nicknamed `The Gluttony` because she can consume huge amounts of food without causing any harmful effects to her body.

Bonney possesses an unnamed Paramecia type devil fruit that has the ability to control age.

Thanks to this ability, time is nothing to Bonney, she does not `age` like other people but can always maintain her youthful and beautiful appearance.

4. Tamago

Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them

Tamago is one of the members of the Big Mom gang, in this gang he is tasked with collecting candy from Fishman Island every month to bring back as tribute to commander Big Mom.

Tamago is said to possess the unclassified devil fruit Tama Tama no Mi.

When using the power of a devil fruit, Tamago is like a chicken coming out of an eggshell and evolving in the right cycle to gradually become stronger.

5. Marco Phoenix

Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them

Marco used to be the captain of the number 1 team in the Whitebeard ice sea and was also one of the powerful arms of this famous Four Emperors.

As we know, in legend, the fire phoenix is a mascot with immortal power. They can regenerate from their own ashes, so killing them is almost impossible.

Not only that, Marco can also create blue flames capable of healing almost any wound for himself and others. All of the above shows that he is an extremely strong person, able to make

6. Kaido

Top 6 almost immortal characters in One Piece, time seems to have `forgotten` them

Kaido is the captain of the Hundred Beasts Pirates and is also one of the world’s Four Emperors.

He seems to be the longest-living person in One Piece. In the past, dozens or hundreds of times Kaido fell into the enemy’s siege but he could not `get` a true death.

7 times he tasted defeat, 18 times he fell into the hands of the Navy and his enemies, but Kaido was never defeated.

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