10 `unexpected` mysteries of famous game characters (Part 1)
1 min read

10 `unexpected` mysteries of famous game characters (Part 1)

One of the most important factors that determine the success or failure of any game is the game character design.

Maybe your favorite character has such an appearance because of a sudden inspiration, a moment of spontaneity or even because the designer had… a technical error.

Mario wears a hat and has a distinctive mustache because they are… very easy to draw

It can be said that Mario is one of the most famous characters in the world, however his design is not at all sophisticated or complicated, on the contrary it is quite simple and quick.

The Creeper in `Minecraft` is the product of a programming error

10 `unexpected` mysteries of famous game characters (Part 1)

Among the countless creatures and entities we encounter while exploring the vast world of `Minecraft`, perhaps the scariest and most familiar to players is The Creeper.

The idea of Pac-Man arose while the author was eating pizza

10 `unexpected` mysteries of famous game characters (Part 1)

Have you ever thought that Pac-Man looks a bit like a pizza with a slice cut off?

Bayonetta has `supermodel` legs to support gameplay

10 `unexpected` mysteries of famous game characters (Part 1)

It cannot be denied that the deadly seductive beauty of the female lead Bayonetta is the special factor that makes this series more attractive.

Kazooie is paired with Banjo just so that the `flapping wings in the air` jump doesn’t look absurd

10 `unexpected` mysteries of famous game characters (Part 1)

Many platformer games integrate double jumping or gliding features so players can reach `impassable` terrain.

(To be continued…)

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