Kojima and Konami – a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways
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Kojima and Konami – a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways

Kojima, the man behind many of Konami’s famous game series, has worked for this famous game company for 30 years with countless ups and downs.

Neither Konami nor Kojima have ever come out and spoken about the issues that caused a rift in their relationship.

First years

Hideo Kojima joined the company in 1986, after he was inspired by Mario Bros. to dedicate his life to developing video games.

You probably already know what happened next.

In 1998, Kojima released Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation, which changed everything.

Peak period

Kojima and Konami - a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways

In 2014, the fates of Konami and Kojima seemed closely intertwined.

Additionally, in the summer of 2014, a mysterious game called PT appeared on the PlayStation store.

Everything has change

Kojima and Konami - a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways

To truly understand why Kojima and Konami broke up, you have to go back to 2010, when Konami launched one of its most successful games.

Konami had previously built its name on arcade and console titles such as Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Frogger and Contra, but Dragon Collection was a casual card-collecting game played on social networking sites,

Konami suddenly realized that Dragon Collection was made very cheaply, and it brought in a lot of money.

The division begins

Kojima and Konami - a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways

In early 2015, Kojima announced that Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain would appear on consoles and PC the following September.

In March 2015, Konami announced that they would be undergoing a corporate restructuring in which the company would move from a studio-based model in which individual developers were responsible for their own projects.

From this point on, Kojima Productions was reduced to just one of the company’s machines, and Kojima also lost his title as chief content officer.

Kojima Productions is no more

Kojima and Konami - a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways

On March 16, 2015, the same day that Konami’s restructuring took effect, Konami removed Kojima’s name from everything he controlled.

People were starting to ask themselves questions about Kojima and Konami, but a few days later, both sides confirmed they were still working on the MGS5 project, but did not discuss what would happen after release.

Separation and reasons

Kojima and Konami - a divine relationship with countless legendary games but eventually went their separate ways

On the same day that Konami and Kojima released their statements, GameSpot confirmed what many people were predicting, Kojima’s final days at Konami are coming to an end.

In addition to losing their jobs, GameSpot said, Kojima and the rest of his staff were downgraded from full-time employees to contractors.

After that, things got even worse.

In another show of disrespect, Konami has made it very clear that they intend to continue the Metal Gear franchise without Kojima at the helm.

To be fair, Konami owns Metal Gear, and it can do what they want with it.

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