20 Sep, 2024
1 min read

18 gaming communities are excited with the #ChoiCungNhau movement

During the recent peak epidemic, entertainment and games at home have shown significant effects in reducing stress during the epidemic season as well as connecting the online community strongly. Relax with games to improve your health The days of `Working at home` or `Learning at home` may soon end in the coming days. Playing games helps […]

1 min read

Not champions, the following two items of equipment are the `final bosses` of the meta throughout the Truth Arena seasons

From season 1 until now, there are many metas in Teamfight Tactics that have been explored and explored by gamers, and many of them are beyond the imagination of design engineers from Riot. However, there are two items of equipment that have been extremely strong since their release and are always associated with hot metas […]

1 min read

Explore Intel’s new Foveros architecture: Combining both Atom and Core cores in one chip

Intel confirmed that it is working on a discrete graphics solution for client computers, which will launch in 2020. However, that is not all that Intel is working on. During the Architecture Day event that took place a few days ago, the company presented its long-term architectural plans. It’s an ambitious goal, and Intel believes […]

1 min read

Ms. Tan Vlog was criticized for being `light` on the Comedian Challenge Gala and refused to receive the program’s prize money

Ms. Tan Vlog is probably a name that is no longer strange to all of us. Appearing on Gala night, Ms. Tan no longer wore her familiar polka dot shirt, but the scripts and skits she brought were considered very old and bland. However, what surprised everyone was that when MC Tran Thanh presented the […]

1 min read

The Teamfight Tactics community fiercely criticized Riot’s new Elite system because it was too unbalanced

In version 11.4, the Elite system of Truth Arena has made extremely big changes and strongly affected the meta. However, Riot’s change led to a more negative meta: everyone switched to rolling the 4-gold Elite champion regardless of what formation they were playing. According to statistics from Metatft.com, rolling 4-gold Tinh Anh champions has become […]