5 reasons why your computer is running sluggishly like a turtle
1 min read

5 reasons why your computer is running sluggishly like a turtle

After a long time of using the computer, you notice that your computer is running slowly, unstable, the boot process is `sluggish`, it even takes tens of minutes to finish booting,

Hard drive is overloaded

This is one of the most common reasons why your computer becomes sluggish, especially for female gamers who are not very tech-savvy.

Carefully check everything on your computer, first the desktop, clean and delete programs and files that you never use.

If you don’t want to delete a lot of pictures and music files that slow down your computer, it’s best to buy an external hard drive to store these items.

Malicious Code and Viruses

When installing software, accessing the web or using applications on Facebook, you may have accidentally let a virus or malware enter your computer. This is one of the main reasons why your computer runs slow and slows down.

5 reasons why your computer is running sluggishly like a turtle

Prevention is better than prevention, equip yourself with effective anti-virus software right after installing your computer, and remember to periodically scan your computer with this software.


5 reasons why your computer is running sluggishly like a turtle

Virtual private network VPN – acronym for Virtual Private Network, translated into Vietnamese as virtual personal network system.

However, VPNs can also cause processing delays during long periods of computer operation.

The machine is too hot

5 reasons why your computer is running sluggishly like a turtle

Not regularly cleaning the computer causes important internal components such as the processor, graphics card or motherboard to not be able to dissipate heat and have to operate at high temperatures, which is also the main cause of the problem.

Therefore, cleaning the computer is necessary and regular.

Components are too outdated

5 reasons why your computer is running sluggishly like a turtle

Nowadays, when the hardware requirements of applications and video games are increasing day by day, it is difficult for users to be comfortable with an outdated PC.

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