28 Jun, 2024
1 min read

Henry Cavill suffered a serious injury while immersing himself in the role of Geralt in The Witcher Season 2

Actor Henry Cavill opened up in an interview with THR that he injured his thigh muscle while he was filming The Witcher Season 2. Henry Cavill also said that he was sprinting through the woods while filming. In the movie The Witcher, actor Henry Cavill plays Geralt of Rivia, a magically enhanced white-haired monster hunter […]

3 mins read

Why didn’t Riot Games give the 2 vacant VCS slots at Worlds to other regions?

With VCS continuing to be absent, Worlds 2021 will officially take place with 22 participating teams. Faced with the continuous format changes over the past 2 years, some community opinions have wondered why Riot Games did not handle it more `simply` by replacing the 2 VCS teams with different names. Respect for Vietnamese audiences When […]

1 min read

The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

According to Steam’s rankings, PUBG’s peak number of players last month has dropped to a record low. Not only the number of players, the number of followers and the number of content creators related to this game also decreased seriously. Many domestic and foreign organizations also show no interest in PUBG anymore. The latest name […]

2 mins read

Addicted to games, the young man passed the university entrance exam 4 times and was expelled twice, and still hasn’t graduated

The university entrance is considered an important destination after many years of study for each student. However, for Truong Phi – the young man from Sichuan, it is even more special. From 2003 to 2007, Truong Phi took four college entrance exams, the first time he passed to Fudan University, the second time to Peking […]

1 min read

Truth Arena: 3 extremely powerful equipment at the end of the match to help you rank up like a `kite in the wind`

Cloak of Silence If you pay a little attention, many of the main champions or back row support units in Truth Arena season 6 all have extremely high maximum energy stats. Not only stopping at preventing opponents from launching moves, the Cloak of Tranquility when combined with the Lightning Crossbow will help you cause a […]

4 mins read

History of tattoo culture: Some places tattoo to honor women, some places cover their bodies with ink to avoid heat

Tattoos were considered one of the aspects of concern before the Covid-19 pandemic drastically changed the narrative of the Olympics. In some cultures, tattooing is strictly prohibited. Modern American tattoo culture can be traced back to the 1700s, but the practice of tattooing the body in general dates back much further – to around 3300 […]