The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It’s really easy, there’s a mission that takes 5 jumps and it’s done
1 min read

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It’s really easy, there’s a mission that takes 5 jumps and it’s done

1. Mushrooms Don’t Give Up!

In the Sumeru region, Devil Mushrooms are the weakest enemies and you can defeat them extremely easily.

It can be said that this is a trust that is loved by many new players to Sumeru.

2. Altitude Test Mushroom

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It's really easy, there's a mission that takes 5 jumps and it's done

Altitude Test Mushroom is a somewhat easy, even somewhat stupid, commission quest.

The mushrooms will act like a spring, continuing to push you into the air.

3. The Thunder Collector

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It's really easy, there's a mission that takes 5 jumps and it's done

The Thunder Collector is a quest to collect Lightning particles within a certain period of time.

The only difficulty with this task is that the beads are placed sometimes above and sometimes below the waterfall in no particular order.

4. Grass Collector

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It's really easy, there's a mission that takes 5 jumps and it's done

Grass Collector has similar gameplay to Thunder Collector.

The duration of this trust is 90 seconds, which is very comfortable for you to complete it.

5. Escalating Danger

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It's really easy, there's a mission that takes 5 jumps and it's done

Escalating Danger is a mission that you can complete without fighting.

Of course, the Hilichurls will attack you and not let you destroy the tower so easily.

6. Directly Jump In

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It's really easy, there's a mission that takes 5 jumps and it's done

Direct Charge is a very simple timed mission that can be completed in just one minute.

However, there will still be Slime monsters on your way.

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