Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3
1 min read

Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3

In Truth Arena, the way the team is arranged has a great influence on the win or loss of each round as well as each match.

The following is a list of champions that need to be in the right position more than they need to be equipped in season 3:


Talking about danger, the name Urgot will definitely be the top 1 of season 3. Because with 1 or 2 energy equipment, as soon as he enters the fight, Urgot `crosses off` an enemy right off the board.

Miss Fortune

Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3

This is one of the champions that has the ability to `take it all on his own` if he releases his skills in a good location.


Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3

Often called `stupid squid` by the community because he often uses skills to only hit… one unimportant general of the enemy team.


Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3

Among the tank champions, Shen is an extremely quality time-buying champion when facing Gunner, Gunner, and Swordsman squads.

So if you arrange Shen in the right place – right in front of carries that deal damage with normal attacks, the enemy team will take a lot of damage and time to defeat Shen.


Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3

First, if arranged in the right place, Gnar can knock the enemy carry team out of a safe position, both causing damage and interrupting skills (if any) of the enemy team.


Having a mechanism to use skills on the farthest target with attack range + 1 box, Rakan is also a champion that needs to have a suitable standing position when arranging a team.

Truth Arena: Generals who need to be positioned more skillfully need equipment in season 3


Pulling the target furthest away from himself right at the start of the fight, Blitzcrank is the champion that makes every carry afraid of standing in the corner.

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