Truth Arena: Teams that are ‘unbeatable in the world’ when fully activating the Clan and System passives
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Truth Arena: Teams that are ‘unbeatable in the world’ when fully activating the Clan and System passives

In the Truth Arena, the strongest squads are often the ones with a skillful combination of many different Races and Systems.

6 Darkness

It can be said that 6 Shadows is a team that has great appeal to players because of the huge amount of damage it possesses.

Then in the later stages of the match, when you have 4 other Shadow champions, Shadow Lux will be your `endgame` card.

6 Guardians

With this formation, many opponents will be extremely inhibited when facing the extremely sturdy `Great Wall` formation.

Truth Arena: Teams that are 'unbeatable in the world' when fully activating the Clan and System passives

However, this formation can still `destroy` if it meets a 4-Cat formation that eliminates all armor.

9 Fire

With this 9 Fire squad, the most interesting thing will be Soraka Fire with the ability to continuously and continuously spam skills for the opponent to be burned and silenced… forever.

In particular, Annie and Amumu will take on the role of resistance, Kindred and Varus will be physical damage.

Truth Arena: Teams that are 'unbeatable in the world' when fully activating the Clan and System passives

6 Summons 5 Lightning

In this squad, Summon champions will take on the role of harassment and resistance such as Yorick, Tibbers (Annie), Malzahar, and Zed.

In this squad, Zed will be a versatile general who is both the main damage dealer and the main tank of the team.

Truth Arena: Teams that are 'unbeatable in the world' when fully activating the Clan and System passives

In addition, there are many formations that activate full Tribes and other systems such as 6 Mages, 6 Forests, 9 Light, 6 Ice Tribes,… but these are all formations that have appeared a lot in the current meta.

Truth Arena: Teams that are 'unbeatable in the world' when fully activating the Clan and System passives
Truth Arena: Teams that are 'unbeatable in the world' when fully activating the Clan and System passives

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