7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther
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7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther

Besides the first civilizations of mankind, the Aztec civilization is also considered one of the largest and most powerful civilizations in the Americas.

This helped the Mexica people (another name for the Aztecs) to be far ahead of their time in some fields, even more so than the Europeans at that time.

Now, let’s go back in time and go to the great city of Tenochtitlan of the Aztec empire to discover who the Aztecs were and how they lived.

Aztec society was divided into three major groups: the pipiltin (the privileged group), the macehualtin (the `commoners` of the town), and the tlātlācohtin (the poorest social group, including criminals, prisoners, or others).

However, unlike a person’s status and social class that will never change until their grandchildren and great-grandchildren,… in Aztec culture, everyone’s status can increase or decrease.

They think that everything and everyone has its proper place in the universe and that it is their duty to find their own place, so that everyone, by their own efforts, can change the level.

7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther

The Aztecs followed a strict protocol regarding clothing, hairstyles, and accessories as these were directly linked to their status or role in society.

As for women in the peasantry, they also just wrapped a rectangular blanket called a cueitl around their waists and tied it with a rope or belt to make a skirt.

Here, nobles were the only ones with the privilege of wearing a quechquemitl, a poncho-like garment that hung down front and back in a triangular shape, and shoes.

7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther

Both men and women of this period took great care of their hair and adorned it with jewelry, ribbons or elaborate headdresses.

Women usually keep their hair long and loose, but on special occasions, they will braid their hair.

Hygiene was very important to the Aztecs.

In addition, unlike those who bathed once a year in the Victorian era in Europe, the Aztecs bathed daily and used natural products such as soap, scrubs, perfumes and deodorants.

7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther

Temazcales, a name in the Aztec language meaning `house of sweat` actually had similar functions to our saunas today and was considered part of their daily routine.

`Guacamole` (guacamole), `tomato` (tomato) and `avocado` (avocado) are some famous words originating from the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs.

The Aztecs were one of the pre-Hispanic cultures most noted for their healing techniques, treatments, and extensive knowledge of botany, especially medicinal plants.

In addition to knowing how to prevent infections and suture wounds with hair, they have the ability to heal broken bones with immobilization techniques or to extract tooth fragments almost painlessly using natural anesthetics that make many travelers

Source: Bright Side

7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther
7 interesting facts about the civilization that inspired the kingdom of Talokan in Black Panther

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