23 Jun, 2024
1 min read

The easiest missions in Genshin Impact: It’s really easy, there’s a mission that takes 5 jumps and it’s done

1. Mushrooms Don’t Give Up! In the Sumeru region, Devil Mushrooms are the weakest enemies and you can defeat them extremely easily. It can be said that this is a trust that is loved by many new players to Sumeru. 2. Altitude Test Mushroom Altitude Test Mushroom is a somewhat easy, even somewhat stupid, commission […]

1 min read

18 gaming communities are excited with the #ChoiCungNhau movement

During the recent peak epidemic, entertainment and games at home have shown significant effects in reducing stress during the epidemic season as well as connecting the online community strongly. Relax with games to improve your health The days of `Working at home` or `Learning at home` may soon end in the coming days. Playing games helps […]

2 mins read

Famous for its elimination and harsh rules, LPL is far ahead of LCK in terms of drama: Why is it so?

Perhaps, in the League of Legends community, if we had to find two regions with the most developed Esports in general and League of Legends in particular, China and Korea would definitely be mentioned first. But on the other hand, LPL is also famous for its famous dramas that almost shake the League of Legends […]

1 min read

Removing the /all chat feature in League of Legends, Riot Games received a lot of criticism because it made many gamers run out of options.

Recently, Riot Games announced the official removal of the total chat feature (chat /all) in the team match system from the upcoming version 11.21 of League of Legends. Immediately after the announcement was made, a wave of controversy about Riot Games’ move flared up strongly in the League of Legends community. However, chat /all is […]

1 min read

Hoa continuously appears in prestigious magazines, receiving many compliments

As we reported, this morning, August 25, 2021, the pure Vietnamese – Chinese game was officially released on the Steam and Nintendo Switch platforms, bringing to Vietnamese gamers as well as around the world. After its release on the Steam and Nintendo Switch platforms, Hoa quickly received many positive reviews from game critics, famous game […]

1 min read

T1 monopolizes the top spot, Faker achieves 100% win rate with Vex, Canyon and DK `self-destructing`

The most notable match of not only the current LCK Spring 2022 but also the entire League of Legends community is the confrontation between DWG KIA and T1. Game 1 between the two teams has become the longest lasting game of LCK Spring 2022 to date. But in game 2, it was Faker and his […]

1 min read

American universities develop an admission trend based on gamers’ qualifications, with a scholarship package of 370 billion

It cannot be denied that eSports is currently one of the industries with a relatively strong expansion trend worldwide, especially in countries where e-sports are developing such as the US or Korea. And if before, video games and the educational system often seemed to be in conflict, now, with the development of eSports, these subjects […]