ESL applies a series of strong measures to… the audience, determined to bring fairness to CS:GO
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ESL applies a series of strong measures to… the audience, determined to bring fairness to CS:GO

Since its inception until now, CS:GO (and its predecessors such as CS 1.6 or C:S) has always been a game with fast, intense match speed and many highlight moments in the game.

Besides the quality highlights from the players, the bursting emotions of the audience are also what create great moments.

A classy highlight or a funny failure can make the entire audience at the stadium explode and create a sound loud enough for the players – even wearing many layers of noise-cancelling headphones – to still hear.

However, in some cases the noise made by the audience provides players with important information and gives them an unfair advantage over their opponents.

As readers can see above, the noise from the audience clearly had a major impact on the decisions of the player – in this case Xyp9x – and gave him an unfair advantage over his opponents.

After the match ended, there was a lot of debate when some people said that this is an indispensable part of CS:GO and that players playing LAN must accept this, while others said

Organizers have introduced many measures to combat this situation, such as wearing multiple layers of noise-cancelling headphones and creating white noise, or as at The International – the world final tournament held annually by

However, the above measures all have their own advantages and disadvantages;

According to Mr. Michal `Carmac` Blicharz, vice president of Pro Gaming at ESL, a set of 2 booths like the one at TI costs about 700,000 to 800,000 USD.

However, in a post on the social networking site reddit yesterday, Mr. Blicharz confirmed that ESL will apply a series of strong measures to combat this problem at upcoming LAN tournaments, especially at IEM Katowice.

ESL applies a series of strong measures to... the audience, determined to bring fairness to CS:GO

`We will play instructional videos and ask MCs on stage to talk to the audience to help them understand what is appropriate and what is not. For example, cheering right before preparing to have a performance.`

Those are the moments when the crowd should wait until the end before cheering.

Mr. Blicharz also revealed that if the audience does not comply with the above rules, ESL will use strong measures such as turning off the X-Ray viewing mode when shown in the arena for at least 20 minutes after each violation.

IEM Katowice will start from February 24 to March 1 with the participation of 16 top teams in the world at the present time.

ESL applies a series of strong measures to... the audience, determined to bring fairness to CS:GO

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