Explore Intel’s new Foveros architecture: Combining both Atom and Core cores in one chip
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Explore Intel’s new Foveros architecture: Combining both Atom and Core cores in one chip

Intel confirmed that it is working on a discrete graphics solution for client computers, which will launch in 2020. However, that is not all that Intel is working on.

During the Architecture Day event that took place a few days ago, the company presented its long-term architectural plans.

It’s an ambitious goal, and Intel believes it can achieve it by shifting to an era in hardware design called the `architecture era.`

To achieve this, Intel introduced a new chip packaging design called Foveros, expected to launch next year.

Intel said the first chip packaged in the Foveros design will be 12 mm x 12 mm in size – smaller than a coin – and built on a 10nm manufacturing process.

Foveros is a `hybrid x86 architecture` that uses both Atom and Core architectures in parallel.

Explore Intel's new Foveros architecture: Combining both Atom and Core cores in one chip

Accordingly, the `big core` will be based on the Core architecture with higher performance, while the `small core` uses the Atom architecture with the best optimized consumption level when handling light tasks and when in use.

This battery life is similar to Qualcomm’s promise for Windows 10 laptops using Snapdragon chips.

It’s worth noting that Intel calls its design `packaging technology`.

Explore Intel's new Foveros architecture: Combining both Atom and Core cores in one chip

In fact, the product that will be built using this technology does not yet have a retail name, nor the type of device that will use it – even though during the product launch, Intel did show images of several types.

This means Foveros is not a new branch of architecture.

Even so, this also shows a shift in Intel’s strategy.

Jim Keller, senior vice president and director of silicon engineering at Intel, said this move helps Intel answer the question: `Instead of taking computing power and transistor count as the important pillars,

Explore Intel's new Foveros architecture: Combining both Atom and Core cores in one chip

Refer to DigitalTrends

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