Late President Aliyev – the person who nurtured the friendship between Vietnam and Azerbaijan
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Late President Aliyev – the person who nurtured the friendship between Vietnam and Azerbaijan

(Dan Tri) – The late President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev made important and fundamental contributions to the good friendly relationship with Vietnam for many years.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Vietnam Shovgi Mehdizade at the event (Photo: Duc Hoang).

`Today, we are all proud to say that Vietnam and Azerbaijan have a strong and historical relationship,` Azerbaijani Ambassador to Vietnam Shovgi Mehdizade said on November 9 during the sharing session `Heydar Aliyev

The seminar was organized by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Vietnam and the Academy of Journalism and Communication on the occasion of a series of events commemorating the 100th birthday of late President Heydar Aliyev (1923-2023).

This year, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree declaring 2023 as Heydar Aliyev Year to honor the merits of the person considered a leader by the country and people of Azerbaijan.

He was instrumental in steering Azerbaijan after the dissolution of the Soviet Union to overcome a series of economic, political, and poverty difficulties, bringing the South Caucasus country to international integration and outstanding development for more than 30 years.

During the event, Ambassador Mehdizade and speakers and guests mentioned the 30-year milestone of Vietnam – Azerbaijan relations that the two countries celebrated last year (1992-2022).

In fact, Vietnam – Azerbaijan relations were founded when Azerbaijan was still a member of the former Soviet Union.

Late President Aliyev - the person who nurtured the friendship between Vietnam and Azerbaijan

Late Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev (Photo: Azerbaycan24).

Speakers recalled President Ho Chi Minh’s 1959 visit to Baku and the late President Heydar Aliyev’s 1983 trip to Vietnam as First Vice Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers.

With the efforts of the two leaders of the two countries, Vietnam – Azerbaijan relations have developed well in recent years through cooperative activities in politics, economics, education, people-to-people diplomacy and win-win cooperation.

Mr. Pham Minh Son, Director of the Academy of Journalism and Communication, commented: `The traditional friendship between the two countries was inherited from the Soviet era and continues to develop very well.`

Mr. Heydar Aliyev’s contribution to Vietnam – Azerbaijan relations

Late President Aliyev - the person who nurtured the friendship between Vietnam and Azerbaijan

Mr. Heydar Aliyev visited Vietnam in 1983 (Photo: Aztag).

During the event, Ambassador Mehdizade reiterated the cooperative activities between the two countries and shared Azerbaijan’s support with Vietnam.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Vietnam faced a very difficult period in its efforts to recover the post-war economy.

This was also the time when Mr. Heydar Aliyev held an important position in the Soviet Party and state and he always gained affection and support for Vietnam at that time.

Thousands of Azerbaijani and Soviet experts have been dispatched to Vietnam to help build infrastructure, especially in the field of oil exploitation.

When Azerbaijan declared independence in the post-Soviet period, Mr. Heydar Aliyev also attached importance to establishing diplomatic relations with Vietnam and promoting cooperation between the two countries.

Speakers and guests participating in the event also recognized that the relationship between Vietnam and Azerbaijan has a rich history and cohesion, and has a lot of room for continued political cooperation in the future.

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