Ms. Meng Wanzhou’s extradition trial begins, a test for China-Canada relations
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Ms. Meng Wanzhou’s extradition trial begins, a test for China-Canada relations

On the morning of January 20, Chief Financial Officer of China’s Huawei Corporation, Ms. Meng Wanzhou, arrived at a Canadian court to begin the trial on her extradition to the United States.

Ms. Manh Van Chu arrives at the extradition hearing to the United States.

According to observers, this trial is a test for the future of relations between Canada and China.

US officials accused Ms. Meng Wanzhou of deceiving HSBC bank about the relationship between Huawei and an Iranian branch named Skycom, putting HSBC bank at risk of violating US sanctions aimed at

Richard Peck, Ms. Meng’s defense lawyer, said that the crime that the US accused Ms. Meng of was politically motivated and did not violate Canadian law, because Ottawa lifted sanctions against Tehran many years ago.

Phase one of the extradition hearing of Ms. Manh Van Chu will last about 5 days.

Meanwhile, in Ottawa, the opposition Conservative Party is asking the Canadian Ambassador to Beijing to testify before a special parliamentary committee on the diplomatic crisis with China, which was `sparked` by the incident.

Conservative MP John Williamson said they wanted to update information on two Canadian citizens, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, who have been detained by China for more than a year, in a move that officials

Previously, also on January 20, China called on Canada to quickly release Ms. Meng Van Chu.

Speaking at a press conference on the same day, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Canh Shuang said that Canada should `correct the mistake` of arresting the CFO of the Chinese corporation.

Ms. Manh Van Chu was arrested in Canada in early December 2018 at Washington’s request.

The arrest of Ms. Meng Van Chu has put Canada in a `stuck position` in its relationship with two superpowers, the US and China, in the context that Huawei is a leading corporation in China.

According to Chu An

World & Vietnam

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