PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!
1 min read

PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!

And today, those mysteries have been answered with the Erangel Tour organized by Battlegrounds Travel Company.

When the island was still inhabited, it had a fairly small community.

Even after the army took control of Sosnovka, life continued as normal for a while.

Resistance against the army began to flare up, causing the army to increase its control measures.


The first place on the tour is Kameshki.

PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!


Speaking of Stalber, we should mention that this mountain is one of the highest locations on Erangel, and therefore the perfect spot to establish a communication system.

PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!
PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!
PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!

Near Shooting Range

This is Erangel’s infamous crash site, it’s nothing compared to the plane graveyard under Sosnovka, but it’s the strangeness that makes this place so interesting.

PUBG: Erangel map and stories revealed for the first time!

That was a time before Black Box data was widely used, so perhaps what caused the plane to crash will always remain a mystery.


This was a priority location for the occupying forces, as it was home to the majority of Erangel’s population and was also the island’s most prominent seaport with containers transporting goods from the mainland.

Some people have discovered cameras around.

Gatka MT.

Speaking of security and stray bullets, the mountain outside Gatka is a prime place to set up a surveillance point or even a camouflaged sniper point.

That was just the first stop of the tour. Surely after the journey we would have learned many more interesting things about Erangel island.

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