The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?
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The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

According to Steam’s rankings, PUBG’s peak number of players last month has dropped to a record low.

Not only the number of players, the number of followers and the number of content creators related to this game also decreased seriously.

Many domestic and foreign organizations also show no interest in PUBG anymore. The latest name to leave the bo game in Vietnam is sadly Refund Gaming of the `patriarch` Mixi Gaming.

The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

Hacking is rampant

The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

The first reason leading to this unstoppable decline of PUBG is too much hacking.

The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

There will be nothing if the publisher shows complete reluctance to deal with this situation.

Gameplay is nothing new

The next point that makes PUBG gradually die is that it does not meet the requirements of gamers over time, especially in the context that many people consider this an Esports discipline.

The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

Just look at traditional Esports games such as League of Legends, DOTA2, CS:GO and you can see the difference of PUBG.

Meanwhile, PUBG does not have these things, updates are continuous but the costumes are mainly for beauty purposes.

The number of players is at a record low, streamers and proplayers also give up, why has PUBG gone downhill like that?

No change but there are too many competitors

The final reason PUBG is gradually losing its appeal is that there are other survival games that are gradually replacing this game.

When there are other games that are more prominent, attractive and interesting, it is understandable that players will abandon PUBG for Fortnite and Apex Legends.


Perhaps PUBG is gradually reaching its limit. If there is no breakthrough in gameplay or something to retain longtime players, PUBG truly becoming a `Dead Game` is closer than ever.

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