Using the same lineup formula as SGB in Spring 2021, why did SE fail in VCS Winter?
1 min read

Using the same lineup formula as SGB in Spring 2021, why did SE fail in VCS Winter?

VCS Winter 2021 has officially closed the group stage and the 3 names considered to be the most disappointing are SBTC Esports, Team Secret and Team Flash.

Competing psychology of young players

Compared to SGB, SE’s main squad has only one NPer player who has never breathed the VCS atmosphere.

However, if BeanJ or Taki play bravely, SE’s young players appear to be mentally weak.

Ability to call teams and leaders of stars

Using the same lineup formula as SGB in Spring 2021, why did SE fail in VCS Winter?

Celebrity is not inferior to Hasmed in terms of competition experience or leadership ability.

But there is one truth: the job of a Gunner is to try to farm, observe the map and choose a position to cause the most damage during a fight.

Meanwhile, Hasmed in SGB Spring 2021 almost did not have to carry the team because BeanJ – Taki – Arrietty played so well.

SE applied the right formula but at the wrong time

Using the same lineup formula as SGB in Spring 2021, why did SE fail in VCS Winter?

As mentioned, SGB has experienced an extremely successful Spring 2021.

And unfortunately for SE, they followed the formula that helped SGB reach the runner-up position of VCS Spring 2021 but at the wrong time.


However, SE players also had times that gave their fans hope.

Using the same lineup formula as SGB in Spring 2021, why did SE fail in VCS Winter?

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