Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you’ll lose Nerf…`
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Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you’ll lose Nerf…`

With the adjustment of Support items, a series of generals with support tendencies land in the mid to put resources into the jungler.

In particular, Nunu is the most buffed general in patch 10.13. Only the Q skill increasing damage (from 50% AP to 65% AP) and increasing healing (from 70% AP to 90% AP) has helped.

The gameplay of this style is very simple, you use W – Legendary Snowman from home and drive to mid lane, kill all the turn monsters and use Q – Ngau Nghien to kill the rook minion.

Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you'll lose Nerf...`

Currently, Nunu with full Magic Power in the mid lane is extremely hot on the Korean server and president Faker cannot ignore it.

Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you'll lose Nerf...`

You know the result, Faker has the ability to turn every champion into a terror in the mid lane and Nunu is no exception.

Even many fans have begun to worry that if Faker continues to sell Nunu like this, Riot may throw a nerf before Faker has a chance to showcase him in professional matches.

With a pretty good winning streak with Nunu, at the present time, Faker is ranked 177th in Korean rank, reaching Challenge 766 points.

In another development, also in a recent stream, Gumayushi admitted to `reflecting` and kneeling for 3 minutes to apologize to fans for the recent inappropriate attitude incident on rank.

Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you'll lose Nerf...`
Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you'll lose Nerf...`
Witnessing Faker causing terror for the Korean rank with Nunu full AP, fans could only sigh: `If you do this, you'll lose Nerf...`

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