Egyptians were outraged by letting a black actress play Queen Cleopatra
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Egyptians were outraged by letting a black actress play Queen Cleopatra

African Queens is a historical documentary series produced by Jada Pinkett Smith, wife of actor Will Smith.

Season 1 airing in 2022 explores Angola’s warrior queen Njinga through expert interviews and reenactments.

Following its success, on April 12, the film released the second season trailer, with the central character being Queen Cleopatra of ancient Egypt.

Documentary about Queen Cleopatra caused controversy because of her skin color.

In the trailer, a historian claims that Queen Cleopatra was black and had curly hair.

This statement angered the Egyptians.

Zahi Hawass, former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, condemned the fake film.

“Netflix is trying to incite confusion by spreading false and misleading facts that the origin of Egyptian civilization is black people,” he commented, not forgetting to call on his countrymen to stand up against them.

On April 16, Egyptian lawyer Mahmoud al-Semary filed a complaint with the prosecutor requesting that necessary legal measures be taken to `ban` Netflix.

Egyptians were outraged by letting a black actress play Queen Cleopatra

Actress Adele James was assigned to recreate the famous Egyptian monarch.

Currently, the trailer African Queens: Queen Cleopatra has received more than 2 million views on YouTube after 7 days of posting.

A petition to cancel the program posted on attracted more than 3,000 signatures.

“For the nth time, I would like to correct that Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is not Egyptian.

“Netflix once again blackens white characters in history.

Egyptian actress and singer Somaya Elkhashab also participated in this debate.

Besides, a part of the audience showed curiosity and interest in a black Cleopatra.

The most classic image of Queen Cleopatra in the history of world cinema was played by British star Elizabeth Taylor in the legendary epic blockbuster Cleopatra (1963).

Egyptians were outraged by letting a black actress play Queen Cleopatra

Elizabeth Taylor has the most classic transformation into Queen Cleopatra.

Three years ago, plans to make a new film about the famous female monarch played by Israeli actress Gal Gadot sparked a backlash from those who said the role should have gone to an Egyptian or an African.

At that time, Gal Gadot responded: “Cleopatra was Macedonian, that’s the truth if you want to know.

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